Sunday 23 June 2024

General Election - workers question the candidates

Trades Council held a Workers Question Time on Thursday 20th June.

We were joined by candidates from the Greens, Lib Dems and independent candidate Tanushka Marah.

They fielded questions on anti-union laws, water privatisation, building union membership and the war on Gaza, among other important issues.

Pictures of the event below.

Monday 6 May 2024

Trades Council celebrates May Day 2024!

Below are some photos and video of our May Day march and rally on Saturday.  We marched in solidarity with Palestine and some 250 people marched from the Level (our traditional meeting place) to Jubilee Square.

We heard powerful speeches from some of our affiliated unions, Stop the War, the Stop L3 Harris (arms factory in Brighton) campaign group, health workers, Jewish Network for Palestine, Hove campaigner Tanushka Marah, and others.

Photos are by trade unionists present at the event.

Monday 1 January 2024

A Happy and Fighting New Year to all local trade unionists!

We wish a Happy New Year to all of our affiliated unions and all workers fighting against the attacks of the bosses in Brighton and Hove.

As a tribute to the work of unions in the city, here’s some images of workers in struggle in the city throughout the year.

Including -

Teachers, university lecturers and administration workers, rail workers and train cleaners, doctors, nurses, civil servants, social workers, nursery workers and parents, St Mungos workers. Trades Council was also happy to be involved in campaigns against racism, supporting Trans Pride, and fighting for the rights of asylum seeking children in the city.

A busy year!