Well over 200 people crammed in to the Brighton Friends Meeting House on Thursday to attend Britain’s biggest local anti-cuts group launch that has been reported so far.
The meeting heard from Chris Baugh Assistant General Secretary of the PCS, Economist Andy Kilmister, Brighton and Hove Unison Chair Andy Richards and Umit Ozturk of the Mediterranean Resources Network.
The speakers talked of the need for co-ordination between unions to defend jobs both locally and nationally, the unnecessary and ideological nature of the cuts and how we must work with the voluntary sector to protect our public services.
The contributions from the audience showed a real desire to stop the coalition government in its tracks. Particularly important were the contributions from Sam Buckley, a victimised trade unionist from Hastings PCS, Communication Workers Union members highlighting the Keep the Post Public Campaign and UNISON organised Brighton Connextions workers who faced with the loss of their jobs angrily highlighted the terrible impact cutting the service will have on the young people they do so much to support.
Caroline Lucas MP summed up the meeting reinforcing the need to both fight the cuts and to put forward policies that enable us to express a positive alternative forward to the government’s cuts.
The meeting was a great success but the important part is taking it forward, so please do get involved in any or all of the activities below, and come to meetings to suggest your own campaign ideas.
Join the Stop the Cuts Facebook Group here