Yesterday a magnificent demo took place in Brighton with the support from the public exceeding the organisers’ expectations. Workers parents and children from the council’s Bright Start Nursery which is earmarked for closure lead the huge march through the centre of town.
Many people young and old joined the protest as they saw it go through the centre of the city. Speakers from Brighton’s Trade Union, Green, Socialist and campaign movements made it very clear that we will oppose all cuts to services.
The Stop the Cuts Coalition’s message is clear. The government are using the financial crisis as an excuse to attack the public sector and open it up for even privatisation, the drive for cuts is ideological. The cuts will most likely make the deficit worse and will without doubt have a devastating impact on the people of our city. Strikes by workers, action by benefits claimants and service users will be backed by a huge campaign of support organised by the Stop the Cuts Coalition.
Next step is for the Coalition to organise local anti-cuts groups in all parts of the city as well as continuing to work with unions to bring workers together. There will be a meeting to start organising local groups on 8th November 7:30pm at the Brighthelm Centre. Join the Facebook page for the event here.
For contacts, quotes and further information contact: Phil Clarke (07709 696561) Brighton, Hove and District Trades Union Council (BHDTUC) executive committee member, or email brightontradescouncil@gmail.com