Saturday, 26 February 2011
Rock The Cuts Part 1...

All day fundraiser for the Brighton Stop The Cuts Coalition
Featuring: Mark Chadwick (The Levellers)...
Thomas White (Electric Soft Parade, Brakes)
Chris T-T
The Adam Kidd Band
Kit Ashton
DJ set from Esben and The Witch
Raffle with lovely prizes
And more...
27th February 2011
3pm - 10:30pm
£8.00 (£5.00 unwaged/concessions)
The Con-Dem government is pushing through the largest cuts to our public services in living memory. Nothing is safe - schools, hospitals, pensions, police, benefits... the entire welfare state is being stripped and privatised.
We are told there is no alternative. But this is not true. £billions in tax from the super-rich goes uncollected, while the deficit that is used to scare us into accepting cuts could get even bigger as public investment is slashed and jobs are lost, just like in Greece and Ireland. Even the very bankers that caused the financial crisis are back to business as usual, instead of paying to clean up the mess... This is simple injustice. The Brighton Stop the Cuts Coalition is a broad group of unions, local campaigns & sympathetic political groups brought together to protect public services, jobs & communities from the huge funding cuts that will affect so many in our city and beyond. Don't just get angry and frustrated - help take a stand! All proceeds from this event will go to the Brighton Stop The Cuts Campaign. Buy tickets online here!http://www.wegottickets.com/event/108208http://stopthecutscoalition.org/brighton/http://falseeconomy.org.uk/http://www.ukuncut.org.uk/