Wednesday 15 June 2011
Brighton trade unionists join striking public sector workers of Southampton against pay cuts!
[by Andy Richards, Brighton Unison]
On Monday, about 1000 council workers and hospital cleaners marched through Southampton.
The Council workers are striking against threatened cuts in pay and the imposition of new, inferior contracts of employment. The hospital workers are taking action to force their employer, a contractor called Medirest, to honour a pay agreement. Click here to read on...
Send messages of support to:
Unison Southampton district branch, Civic Centre Southampton SO14 7NB.
Mike Tucker:
Unite union, 15 The Avenue, Southampton SO17 1XF
Ian Woodland, Unite regional officer,
Donations to TGWU 2/8 Strike Fund, Unity Trust Bank, Ac No: 20185358 Sort Code 08-60-01.