Sunday, 5 January 2014

New Year New Fightbacks!

Happy new year everyone!
Hopefully you are rested and ready to continue the fight against the mass robbery that is the government’s cuts and austerity program.
Already there is a list of events for the beginning of the month. Starting this Wednesday with a full Trades Council meeting. We will be hearing from an organiser from Unite Community an initiative set to spread union membership beyond the workplace as well as updates and planning support from ongoing disputes over pay, pensions and working conditions being undertaken by a large number of unions.
All trade union members are welcome to attend as visitors and all union branches are encouraged to send delegates.
Its Wednesday 8th Jan at 8pm in the King and Queen pub.
Please try to attend the other events below if you can.
Wednesday 8th January 
Full Trades Council 
8pm King and Queen.
Wednesday 8th January 
Brighton Peoples Assembly Open Meeting on Fuel Poverty 
7:30pm Community Base Queens Road
Tuesday 14th January
Candlelit picket of workfare exploiters Grosvenor G Casino 
meet at the Pier 7pm

Friday 17th January
No charges against the Sussex Five! Demonstration against disciplinary action!
1pm Library Square, Sussex Uni
Sunday 19th January
Brighton Benefits Campaign fund-raising roast
Cowley Club 1-3pm