Monday 28 April 2014
Hove Park, City College, May Day Events, FBU Strike + More
Hi all
Please see below the list of upcoming events. Most of these are over the Mayday weekend and Saturday is looking very busy. The Ecostream picket at 1pm and the City College Protest at 2pm would particularly encourage trade union banners to be present so please bring yours to both if at all possible.
The Fire Brigade Union have restarted strike action across the weekend and please show your support to pickets outside fire stations. Details Below.
Finally 2 petitions I would encourage you to sign and pass on
Keep Brighton Drug and Alcohol Services in the NHS
No to Hove Park Academy Plans (Public meeting on Tuesday details below)
Phil Clarke
Secretary Brighton Trades Council
Tuesday 29th April
No to Academy Status for Hove Park School Public Meeting
6:30pm Bishop Hannington Church, Nevill Avenue, Hove, BN3 7NH
Friday 2nd May
FBU Strike 12 noon to 5pm
Pickets at Fire Stations
Friday 2nd May
Brighton Unemployed Centre BBQ
5.30pm BUC, The Crestway Hollingdean
Saturday 3rd May
Trades Union Day at Ecostream
1pm Ecostream shop Western Road Brighton
Saturday 3rd May
Defend Education at City College – No to the Rebuild
2pm Pelham Tower Car Park City College Pelham Street
Saturday 3rd May
In Our Hands, Public Services for People
3:30pm Brighthelm Centre
We Own It Public Meeting with Caroline Lucas + Guests
Saturday 3rd May
FBU Strike 2pm to 2am
Sunday 4th May
FBU Strike 10am to 3pm
Monday 5th May
May Day Solidarity Picnic
Bring food to share The Red Green singers will be with us at 1pm
12 noon Preston Park (meet at the clock)
Thursday 29th May 2014
No to Fire Service Cuts
FBU Public Meeting
7:30pm Brighthelm Centre