Tuesday 3 January 2012

Stop the Cuts New Year New Resistance!

Happy New Year From Brighton Trades Council

Sadly the government’s slash and burn of our public services and welfare state looks set to continue so if you haven’t yet made a resolution yet maybe getting stuck into the fight back could be one!

Below are upcoming events. Many are to do with the local council cuts, where we will be organising lobbies of the council meetings and a public meeting on defending our council services.

Also this Saturday coming we would very much encourage all trade unionists to head up to London to attend the PCS Left Unity Conference on Defending Pensions. With the fantastic united front from virtually all unions on November 30th looking shaky this conference has been opened up by Left Unity (which much of the leadership of PCS belong to) to all trade union members to plan how we can push all our unions to fight to win. This conference has the backing of a whole number of the left groups of various unions and there is no need to register in advance. More info is here http://www.leftunity.org.uk/

A group will be heading up from Brighton meeting at the station at 9:20am on the 7th Jan, please feel free to come along and join us, the conference starts at 11am at Friends Meeting House by Euston Station.

Please sign this petition to save Sussex Uni's Centre for Community Engagement


Saturday 7th January PCS Left Unity Open Conference - Defend Pensions, Name the Next Strike Day 11am, Friends Meeting house Euston.

Saturday 7th Jan Brighton Labour History Workshop Planning Meeting, Midday, Friends Meeting House Brighton

Monday 9th Jan Stop the Cuts Organising Meeting 7:30pm Phoenix Community Centre (Venue TBC)

Saturday 20th January Just say no to Dorries' abstinence education bill! Organised by a Brighton Anti Cuts Activist 10:30am Houses of Parliament, London http://www.facebook.com/events/195189847230161/

Thursday 26th Jan Council Meeting Lobby and Pension on Music Service Cuts goes to Council Time TBC

Thursday 2nd Feb Stop the Cuts Council Budget Public Meeting why we must and how we should defend our council services. 7:30pm Friends Meeting House (TBC)

Monday 13th February Brighton Trades Council AGM King and Queen Brighton 8pm

Thursday 23rd Feb Council Budget Meeting Lobby Time TBC