Saturday 5 January 2013

Brighton Trades Council Meeting All Trade Union Members Welcome

Defending Trade Union Facilities Time

Wednesday 9th January
8pm King and Queen Pub

The government’s austerity and privatisation programme not only requires attacks on public service workers but also the unions’ that organise them. As part of this there are clear moves being made to undermine facilities time and therefore unions ability to represent members and have elected lay local officers.

The next trades council meeting will be a chance to discuss across unions how we combat the ‘Tax Payers Alliance’ Tory propaganda, how we get the message across to our own members and non-members - what has worked and what hasn’t. The discussion will be led by reps from the RMT who have been through privatisation of the railways and PCS whose union organisation is a key government target.

All trade union members can attend trades council meetings as visitors.

Contact your own branch secretary if you are interested in being an official delegate from you branch. Normal Trades Council business will follow the facilities time discussion.