Monday, 14 October 2013

Support Teachers’ Strike October 17th

Brighton Strike Day Demonstration:  
Assemble 10:30am Pavilion Gardens, 
Strike Rally :11:45am Brighton Centre

Members of the NUT and the NASUWT teacher unions, who together represent 9 out of 10 teachers, are both taking strike action because the attacks by the government on the profession and their failure to negotiate.

The strikes have been called because the government is:
• Introducing divisive individualised pay setting teacher against teacher
• Cutting our pension and making teachers stay in the classroom until 68 and beyond
• Planning to cut planning time, increase the already unsustainable workload and even take away teachers right to a lunch break

Teachers are deeply concerned about the impact these imposed changes are having on the morale of the teaching profession, the recruitment and retention of teachers and on the provision of quality education for pupils.

A good quality, well-funded education system benefits us all. Attacking and undermining teachers’ pay and condition is destroying the morale of the profession and will damage the prospects for children across the county. 

Support the action and join the strike demonstration and rally on the 17th October.