The KEEP THE POST PUBLIC CAMPAIGN stall in Brighton Kemptown, Saturday 18th September was a great success. Thanks to all who came and showed support, including The Green Party, Brighton & Hove labour Group, GMB, Unison, Brighton & Hove Trades Council... But above all the Public of Brighton & Kemptown, and across the country who overwhelmingly Do not want their Postal Service privatised.
Members of the public voiced serious concerns about their MP Simon Kirby, and want to know where he is and what he is doing for his constituents. Their is no Public mandate to sell off their postal service, will you heed the voice of your constituents Mr. Kirby?
Their will be a PUBLIC MEETING on 7th October at the BRIGHTHELM CENTRE 7.30PM, Caroline Lucas will be speaking in support of the campaign and other speakers are being arranged, further information will be circulated soon.
You can sign the online petition here... http://post.cwu.org/page/s/notforsale