A coalition of postal workers, post service users, trade unionists and community campaigners attended the Brighton CWU Keep the Post Public campaign launch meeting on Thursday October 7.
Introducing the discussion were speakers CWU general secretary Billy Hayes, Caroline Lucas Green Party MP, National Pensioners Convention general secretary Dot Gibson, Unison South East regional secretary Phil Wood and former Labour Party Kemptown constituency parliamentary candidate Simon Burgess.
Debate moved from highlighting the overwhelming economic and social benefits of fighting to keep postal services in public ownership to ideas on organising the campaign as part of the overall tsunami of cuts to public services and jobs, helping to build solidarity for potential strike action among all trade unionists.
Dot Gibson received one of many loud rounds of applause when she suggested Labour Party councillors, and all those elected who say they are opposed to cuts, should force an immediate by-election by resigning and restanding on the promise of fighting, not some, but every cut and to allow the people of Brighton to have their say.
If you haven't already, please sign the CWU petition by clicking here. All our signitures together add up to a wave of solidarity that can force back Royal Mail privatisation.